Osprey Support Request

Osprey Support Request

Please help us by providing some details about your problem or question so that we have all the information we need to properly assist you. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

It is our policy that we will NOT share your information with any third party, please refer to our privacy policy for details.

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Product Information

The serial number for Osprey cards is an 8-digit number preceded by the letters “MM”. The serial number is located on a sticker placed somewhere on the card itself.

You can also find the Osprey card serial number from a running application via the driver property pages. To do this, go to the Osprey driver properties page (for example, when using the OspreyConfig utility, double-click the device's Video Filter). Change to the “Device” tab, and hit the “Device Info” button. The serial number is displayed on this window without the “MM”.

System Hardware Information
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