Guidelines for Using ViewCast Trademarks and Copyrights
ViewCast Trademark Guidelines
ViewCast is known for high quality products and services throughout the world. The proper use of trademarks helps protect valuable corporate and brand identities. By using the guidelines presented here, you can help us protect our valuable trademarks associated with ViewCast.
Referencing ViewCast Trademarks in Text
You may use ViewCast trademarks or product names to refer to ViewCast products and services provided you follow these guidelines.
- Your use of ViewCast trademarks must not mislead consumers as to any ViewCast sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of your company products, and/or services.
- You do not disparage ViewCast or ViewCast products and services.
- If you are referencing in
conjunction with your product, then you must display your
name or logo more prominently than any ViewCast trademark.
General Trademark Usage Guidelines
- When referring to ViewCast trademarks, use appropriate � or � symbol after the name and capitalize the product name. Use � for Registered Trademarks and � for Trademarks.
- In text it is only necessary to annotate the first instance of the trademark in a given document or piece. After the first instance you may drop the � or � after the word.
- A ViewCast logo or tagline may only be used with permission from ViewCast. When using logos, the � or � must be included at every occurrence.
- For publication distributed only in the United States, the appropriate TM, SM, or � symbols are used on first occurrence.
- Publications distributed outside the United States must use a trademark attribution notice rather than the trademark symbols. An example: Niagara and SchedulStream are trademarks of ViewCast Corporation, registered in the U.S. and other countries.
- Include a statement giving attribution of the ownership of trademarks in an appropriate section of your document or other communication. An example would be �PowerStream and SimulStream are either trademarks or registered trademarks of ViewCast Corporation, its subsidiaries or affiliates, registered in the United States. �
- Trademarks are adjectives and cannot be made plural or possessive.
- Do not use any ViewCast trademarks as your product name, domain name, service name, trade name, or company name. This would include mimicking, abbreviating, and using names that could be confusing with ViewCast trademarks.
- Always spell, capitalize and use
trademarks in their correct form. Do not shorten or
abbreviate ViewCast product names. Refer to the ViewCast
trademark list for proper use.
ViewCast Trademark List
The absence of a product name or logo in this list does not constitute a waiver of ViewCast Corporation to any ViewCast subsidiaries or affiliates trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo.
Registered trademarks and/or service marks of ViewCast Corporation, its subsidiaries or affiliates, registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Niagara SCX®
Viewpoint VBX�
Your Video On The Web®
Trademarks and/or service marks of ViewCast Corporation, its subsidiaries or affiliates.
Increase your Revenue Stream with ViewCast�
Personal Viewpoint�
Viewpoint Pro�