media drives sales!
spending on advertising reached more than $50 billion
last year. More than $3 billion went to broadcast video,
yet conventional video reaches a relatively small and
un-targeted audience. Why would advertisers invest such
massive sums into such a small audience?
rich media is compelling.
captures attention and motivates better than any other
media. And motivation drives sales.
rich media -- audio or audio with video -- on your web
site has the same compelling user experience as broadcast
radio and television but targeted specifically to viewers
who have already demonstrated interest simply by just
visiting your site. And it places targeted ads only
one click away from commerce.
media ads are effective!
banner ads are inexpensive but are often viewed as intrusive
distractions and less likely to generate action leading
to purchase than interactive rich media advertisements.
Even animated banner graphics dont compare to the
enticement of a button inviting a viewer to learn more
by watching a streaming video movie.
are several important facts that you should know:
- Paul
Kagan Associates estimates that streaming media ads
generate click-through rates over three times
greater than traditional banner ads.
- A
Real Networks/Millward Brown study asserts streaming
video ads were noticed and remembered by 213%
more users than non-streamed ads.
- Arbitron
reports 69% of interviewees who watched
a video ad clicked for more information
and 59% wanted how-to-purchase information.
- Arbitron/Edison
Media research found that viewers of streamed audio/video
content are 70% more likely to purchase
online and spend over five times more
in online purchases than those who havent viewed
media works!
you need to create a high quality, self-produced audio
or audio/video message or already have content to make
available to your Internet audience, ViewCasts
EZStream(SM) Wizard lets you point and click your
way to success.
EZStreams Wizard interactively guides you through
capturing content - live or prerecorded into digital
can edit your message with your favorite production or
special effects software if desired, then publish automatically
to ViewCast Onlines media delivery network. You
will receive an E-mail with everything you need to put
your new streaming message on your Web site.
Compelling. Targeted.
Inexpensive. Video makes it
ViewCast makes it easy.
up now and get your video published on the web!

you have additional questions, call us at 1-800-250-6622
or send us an email at [email protected].