have questions�we have answers!
I already have an audio clip or a video. Can I use E-mail
program and ViewCast to reach my customers and deliver a
marketing message they will remember and act on?
Absolutely! Whether you need to create a high-quality,
self-produced audio or audiovisual or already have media
to make available to your audience, ViewCast�s EZStream(SM)
Wizard lets you point and click your way to success.
First, EZStream�s Wizard interactively guides you through capturing video content - live or prerecorded - into the digital format used by the Internet.
can edit your video with your favorite production or special
effects software if desired, then publish your video automatically
to ViewCast Online�s media delivery network. You will
receive a link which you simply insert into any E-mail
message, any E-mail campaign, or even on your Web site.
Just click on the "Get EZStream" button at the bottom to sign up today!
OK, I�m interested�.but isn�t rich media expensive?
Not at all! You�ll be amazed how affordable rich media
can be. Take a look at the examples below to see just
how little it costs to add audio or video to your campaign.
A typical one-minute audio message which you create on
your own PC using the EZStream Wizard costs only about
2 cents each time a recipient listens to the message.
A typical one minute video clip you create with the Wizard costs about
12 cents per view.
Q. Should I choose Streaming Video messages or ViewCast�s new extra-value Audio Only messages?
Tough choice! Although video messages offer added
punch and increase response rates, however video may not
always be the best choice depending on your message, your
audience, and your budget.
If you have a simple message that does not need the power of visual demonstration to make it compelling, audio is your best choice. At about one sixth the cost per recipient, it can be your best value.
If you already know your audience is connected to the Internet via low-speed dialup Internet service of 56K or less data connections, audio may be your best option since virtually all computers connected to the Internet by any popular method will be equipped to play back a quality audio experience.
Video is an excellent
choice when your audience is connected to the Internet
with �broadband� connections - Digital Subscriber Lines
(DSL) or cable modem. The percentage of broadband users
continues to grow at phenomenal rates which will soon
make video an optimum choice for nearly all situations.
How can I estimate my streaming costs before I launch my
E-mail campaign or make my media available from my Web site?
We keep it simple. You only pay only 12 cents for
video with audio or 2 cents for audio only each time someone
actually clicks on the link to hear or watch your message.
The only variable is how many recipients will actually
listen or view your media clip. Although each situation
is different, studies show that up to 75% of the individuals
who receive a rich media E-mail message will click the
link to start message playback.
Q. Can I customize my playback media for specific audiences?
You bet! One of the most important features of the
EZStream Wizard is that it offers lots of audio and video
options that let you adjust such properties as video window
size, playback speed, and image/sound quality to fine
tune the playback experience for specialized audiences.
Since all of these options affect the actual amount of
data streamed to your recipients, your cost per listen
or view can vary.
typical E-mail campaigns you will be creating audio and
video messages with the following characteristics:
- 30 to 60 second / 12 cent video with audio -- A typical 12-cent-per-view video message you create for your InfoGeneratorPRO audience will be encoded in dual playback speeds to support both 56 K (dial up Internet) users and full-time (broadband) Internet users. The playback image will be a standard size for low to medium-speed video and the message length is less than 60 seconds. If you create your video with different EZStream Wizard settings�for example, a longer message or a 256 kilobit higher speed, larger size, higher definition video for an audience of specialized group of high speed Internet users, your cost per view will be different.
- 30
to 60 second / 2 cent audio only -- A typical 2
cent-per-listen audio clip will be created at a speed
of 16 kbps and a duration of 60 seconds or less. Your
cost for longer messages or for customized audio requirements
you select with the Wizard (for example, a CD-quality
stereo music clip) will be different.
up now and get your video or message published on the web!

you have additional questions, call us at 1-800-250-6622
or send us an email at [email protected].