VIDEO STREAMING FOR YOUR MINISTRY WHAT IS STREAMING VIDEO? Streaming media is video, audio or text sent over the Internet and displayed by the viewer upon arrival. With streaming media, a web user does not have to wait to download a large file before seeing the video or hearing the sound. Instead, the media is sent in a continuous stream and is played as it arrives. 
Click here to see a larger image of Streaming Video. HOW CAN STREAMING VIDEO BENEFIT MY MINISTRY? Many churches have embraced technology to help achieve their calling, making use of professional audio, lighting and video systems. Videotaping offers the ability to share and archive church services and special events, but duplication and distribution of those videotapes can be cumbersome and time-consuming. And, the reach of your message is limited to the number of tapes you distribute. A taped service just does not provide the stimulation and energy offered in a live event. Internet streaming offers churches the opportunity to engage live with parishioners and potential members throughout the entire world utilizing video equipment already commonly in use. With Internet streaming, you can broadcast your services and educational events to: - Ill parishioners
- The hearing-impaired
- Students
- Military personnel
- The disabled
- College students
- Nursing homes
- Other church campuses�expand your church beyond its walls
- Potential members anywhere in the world
With Internet streaming you will not only be able to reach a wider audience within your current membership, but you can reach a virtually unlimited number of people worldwide to bring into your fold. Click here to download white papers and solution booklets and find out how ViewCast can make it happen for you. ViewCast makes streaming video an easy, accessible and affordable solution for broadcasters. For more information or an in-person demonstration, contact one of our representatives.