VIDEO STREAMING FOR BROADCASTERS WHAT IS STREAMING VIDEO? Streaming media is video, audio or text sent over the Internet and displayed by the viewer upon arrival. With streaming media, a web user does not have to wait to download a large file before seeing the video or hearing the sound. Instead, the media is sent in a continuous stream and is played as it arrives. 
Click here to see a larger image of Streaming Video. HOW CAN STREAMING VIDEO BENEFIT BROADCASTING? With the explosive growth of broadband Internet usage, broadcasters have the ability to expand their audience to viewers who not only watch their broadcasts on live TV - but also through other mediums. Streaming video can help you maximize these new opportunities. Applications include: - Internet TV (ITV)
- Develop and deliver high-quality video service over the internet
- Target viewers both at home and at work
- Maintain and extend relationships with your viewers
- Mobile TV/Mobile streaming
- Deliver broadcasts to viewers anywhere over their mobile devices
- Internet advertising
- Develop and provide targeted advertising
- Video-on-Demand/Video archiving
- Provide viewers with access to previous newscasts while maintaining a searchable archive device.
Niagara� streaming video encoders from ViewCast will help you increase your revenue stream while helping to save money by utilizing the equipment you already own. Click here to download white papers and solution booklets and find out how ViewCast can make it happen for you. ViewCast makes streaming video an easy, accessible and affordable solution for broadcasters. For more information or an in-person demonstration, contact one of our representatives.