

textPlus: Free Text & Calls for PC

textPlus: Free Text & Calls for PC

FREE SMS Texting, Picture Messaging, Calls and Voicemail. Unlimited!

In today’s digital age, staying connected is more important than ever. textPlus: Free Text & Calls offers a flexible and reliable way to maintain communication without the hefty phone bills. Whether you need a backup number or a primary means to text and call using Wi-Fi, textPlus has got you covered.


About textPlus: Free Text & Calls For PC

textPlus: Free Text & Calls - Your Ultimate Communication Solution

Key Features of textPlus

Easy Setup and Use

textPlus is known for its straightforward setup, making it a hassle-free choice for users of all ages. The user-friendly interface ensures that anyone can navigate the app with ease, from tech-savvy individuals to those less familiar with digital solutions.

Unlimited Texting and Calling

One of the standout features is the ability to send unlimited texts and make calls. Outgoing calls to cellphones are more economical compared to landlines, and incoming calls are completely free, ensuring you stay connected without breaking the bank.

textPlus: Free Text & Calls for PC screenshot

Customizable Options

textPlus offers various add-ons that enhance your experience. For example, users can remove ads for a smoother experience. This customization allows you to tailor the app according to your specific needs.

Reliable Call Quality and Notifications

The app ensures high-quality calls and timely notifications for missed calls, which is crucial for maintaining seamless communication. Additionally, you can block unwanted calls and manage your communications efficiently.

Earn Free Credits

While the app is free to use, you have the option to earn credits for longer calls by watching ads or engaging in other activities within the app. These features make it a convenient choice for those who need to communicate frequently but are mindful of their budget.

Security and Support

Safety is paramount with textPlus. The app has robust security features to protect your data, and the tech support team is both professional and helpful, ensuring any issues are resolved promptly.

Why Choose textPlus?

If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to stay in touch with friends and family, textPlus stands out as an excellent choice. Its ease of use, customizable options, and reliable performance make it a top contender among communication apps.


Is textPlus really free?

Yes, textPlus is free to download and use for texting and making calls. While you can earn credits for additional call minutes by watching ads, you can also choose to purchase credits if needed.

Does textPlus work on Wi-Fi?

Yes, textPlus relies on Wi-Fi for its operations, making it an ideal solution for areas with limited cellular coverage.

Can I use textPlus for international calls?

Yes, textPlus can be used for international calls at competitive rates, helping you stay connected with loved ones abroad.

What if I forget my password?

textPlus has an easy password recovery process, ensuring you can quickly regain access to your account without any hassle.

Are there any customization options within textPlus?

Yes, you can customize your experience by removing ads and opting for other add-ons available within the app.


textPlus: Free Text & Calls is a versatile and reliable communication tool that stands out for its ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and robust features. Whether you need to stay connected with friends and family or seek a backup communication method, textPlus is the perfect solution. Download it today and enjoy seamless, hassle-free communication!

How to Install textPlus: Free Text & Calls for PC

How to Install textPlus: Free Text & Calls on PC

textPlus: Free Text & Calls is primarily a mobile app designed for smartphones. However, you can run textPlus: Free Text & Calls on your computer using an Android emulator. An Android emulator allows you to run Android apps on your PC. Here's how to install textPlus: Free Text & Calls on your PC using Android emuator:

Download Android Emulator:

Visit any Android emulator website. Download the latest version of Android emulator compatible with your operating system (Windows or macOS). Install Android emulator by following the on-screen instructions.

Set up Android Emulator:

Launch Android emulator and complete the initial setup, including signing in with your Google account.

Install textPlus: Free Text & Calls:

Inside Android emulator, open the Google Play Store (it's like the Android Play Store) and search for "textPlus: Free Text & Calls."Click on the textPlus: Free Text & Calls app, and then click the "Install" button to download and install textPlus: Free Text & Calls.

You can also download the APK from this page and install textPlus: Free Text & Calls without Google Play Store.

Run textPlus: Free Text & Calls on PC

Use textPlus: Free Text & Calls on PC:

You can now use textPlus: Free Text & Calls on your PC within the Anroid emulator. Keep in mind that it will look and feel like the mobile app, so you'll navigate using a mouse and keyboard.

Download textPlus: Free Text & Calls
