

P6SPro for PC

P6SPro for PC

Convenient remote video preview software

P6SPro is an app designed to enhance security camera system management. With its user-friendly interface and versatile functionalities, P6SPro stands out for its simplicity and ease of use. This article delves into the features and functionalities that make P6SPro a remarkable tool for managing remote camera systems.


About P6SPro For PC

Exploring the Features of P6SPro

Intuitive User Interface

One of the standout features of P6SPro is its simple and intuitive user interface. The design ensures that both tech-savvy and non-tech-savvy users can navigate the app with ease. From adding devices to viewing live footage, each step is straightforward. The layout is well-organized, making it easy to access various functionalities without getting lost in a sea of options.

Live View and Playback

P6SPro enables users to view live footage from their security cameras directly on their mobile devices. This real-time access enhances security, allowing quick responses to any unusual activities. Moreover, P6SPro supports playback functionality, letting users review recorded footage. However, the playback feature currently does not support different speeds like 2x, 4x, or 8x, which some users might find limiting.

P6SPro for PC screenshot

Remote Access

Another significant benefit of P6SPro is the remote access capability. Users can keep an eye on their property from anywhere in the world, provided there's an internet connection. This feature is particularly useful for frequent travelers or those managing multiple properties. However, there's a bug where users assigned to view specific cameras can access all cameras, which needs fixing for better privacy and user control.

Battery Usage and System Stability

P6SPro offers many useful features, but it does come with a relatively high battery consumption. Users may notice that the app drains their mobile device's battery faster than other applications. Additionally, some users have encountered system crashes, necessitating reinstallation of the app. Although this can be frustrating, the app is generally working well for many users at this time.

HD Viewing Options

The app supports high-definition (HD) viewing, providing clear and detailed footage from the security cameras. However, there is room for improvement. Currently, users must manually switch each camera to HD mode every time they open it. Having an option to set HD as the default mode would greatly enhance the user experience, eliminating the need for repeated adjustments.


P6SPro is a reliable and user-friendly app for managing security camera systems. It offers essential features like live view, playback, and remote access with a few areas needing improvement. By addressing issues such as playback speed, camera access bugs, and HD viewing defaults, P6SPro can significantly enhance its user experience. Overall, it remains a good choice for those seeking a simple yet effective solution for their security needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is P6SPro?

P6SPro is a mobile application designed to manage and monitor security camera systems. It allows users to view live footage, playback recorded videos, and access cameras remotely.

How user-friendly is P6SPro?

P6SPro is very user-friendly, featuring an intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate. Both tech-savvy and non-tech-savvy users can manage their security cameras effortlessly.

Can I view HD footage on P6SPro?

Yes, P6SPro supports high-definition (HD) viewing. However, you need to switch each camera to HD mode manually every time you access it. An option to set HD as the default would be a great improvement.

Does P6SPro support different playback speeds?

Currently, P6SPro does not support different playback speeds like 2x, 4x, or 8x. This is an area where the app could improve to provide more flexible viewing options.

Can I access my cameras remotely with P6SPro?

Yes, P6SPro allows remote access to your cameras. You can view live footage and playback recorded videos from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

Is P6SPro stable?

While P6SPro generally works well, some users have experienced system crashes that require reinstallation of the app. Battery consumption is also relatively high. Resolving these issues would enhance overall stability and user experience.

Are there any known bugs in P6SPro?

Yes, there is a known bug where users assigned to specific cameras can access all cameras. This can compromise privacy and needs to be addressed for better user control.

How to Install P6SPro for PC

How to Install P6SPro on PC

P6SPro is primarily a mobile app designed for smartphones. However, you can run P6SPro on your computer using an Android emulator. An Android emulator allows you to run Android apps on your PC. Here's how to install P6SPro on your PC using Android emuator:

Download Android Emulator:

Visit any Android emulator website. Download the latest version of Android emulator compatible with your operating system (Windows or macOS). Install Android emulator by following the on-screen instructions.

Set up Android Emulator:

Launch Android emulator and complete the initial setup, including signing in with your Google account.

Install P6SPro:

Inside Android emulator, open the Google Play Store (it's like the Android Play Store) and search for "P6SPro."Click on the P6SPro app, and then click the "Install" button to download and install P6SPro.

You can also download the APK from this page and install P6SPro without Google Play Store.

Run P6SPro on PC

Use P6SPro on PC:

You can now use P6SPro on your PC within the Anroid emulator. Keep in mind that it will look and feel like the mobile app, so you'll navigate using a mouse and keyboard.

Download P6SPro
