
BY VIEWCAST    UPDATED February 17, 2024

Khan Academy Kids (BETA) for PC

Khan Academy Kids (BETA) for PC

Free, fun, educational program with thousands of activities and books for kids

Are you looking for a fun and educational app that your child will love? Look no further than Khan Academy Kids (BETA)! This app has been receiving rave reviews from parents all over the world, and for good reason. It offers a wide range of educational activities and games that are not only engaging but also designed to help children learn and grow.


About Khan Academy Kids (BETA) For PC

Khan Academy Kids (BETA): The Ultimate Educational App for Kids

Interactive and Educational

One of the standout features of Khan Academy Kids (BETA) is its interactive and educational content. Parents love that their children can interact with genuinely educational material while still having a great time. The app offers a variety of games and activities that cover a wide range of subjects, including math, reading, and more. It's a fantastic way for children to learn while having fun!

Parents also appreciate the versatility of the app. They can set their child's education level and choose the specific games and activities they want their child to engage with. This level of customization ensures that children are learning at their own pace and in a way that suits their individual needs.

Khan Academy Kids (BETA) for PC screenshot

A Fun and Easy Learning Experience

Khan Academy Kids (BETA) is not only educational but also incredibly fun and easy to follow. Children love exploring the app and discovering new activities and games. The app provides various ways for children to engage with the content, making learning an enjoyable experience.

Many parents have found that their children are not only learning but also developing a love for learning through this app. The app's ability to keep children engaged and interested in various subjects is truly remarkable. Children are introduced to different topics and lessons that are curated based on their age, ensuring that they remain focused and interested without feeling overwhelmed.

Parents also appreciate the style of animation used in the videos, including stop motion and puppetry. These captivating visuals, combined with the app's interactive nature, make learning even more enjoyable for children.

Offline Content and User-Friendly Interface

In addition to its online activities, Khan Academy Kids (BETA) offers a section of offline content. This feature allows children to continue learning even when they don't have access to the internet. It's a great way to keep children engaged and learning, even on the go.

The app's user-friendly interface is another aspect that parents love. Even young children can navigate the app by themselves, which gives them a sense of independence and empowerment. Parents have noticed that their children's vocabulary has increased as they explore the library section of the app, where they can find various subjects and topics.


1. Is Khan Academy Kids (BETA) suitable for all ages?

Yes, Khan Academy Kids (BETA) is designed for children of all ages. The lessons and activities are curated based on the child's age, ensuring that they are appropriate and engaging.

2. Can I customize my child's learning experience?

Absolutely! Khan Academy Kids (BETA) allows parents to set their child's education level and choose the specific games and activities they want their child to engage with. This customization ensures that children are learning at their own pace.

3. Is there offline content available?

Yes, Khan Academy Kids (BETA) offers a section of offline content. This feature allows children to continue learning even without internet access.

4. Are there any ads in the app?

No, Khan Academy Kids (BETA) is completely ad-free. Parents can rest assured that their children will not be exposed to any unwanted advertisements.

In conclusion, Khan Academy Kids (BETA) is a top-notch educational app that offers a fun and interactive learning experience for children. With its wide range of activities, customizable learning options, and offline content, it's no wonder that parents and children alike are raving about this app. Give your child the gift of education and fun with Khan Academy Kids (BETA)!

How to Install Khan Academy Kids (BETA) for PC

How to Install Khan Academy Kids (BETA) on PC

Khan Academy Kids (BETA) is primarily a mobile app designed for smartphones. However, you can run Khan Academy Kids (BETA) on your computer using an Android emulator. An Android emulator allows you to run Android apps on your PC. Here's how to install Khan Academy Kids (BETA) on your PC using Android emuator:

Download Android Emulator:

Visit any Android emulator website. Download the latest version of Android emulator compatible with your operating system (Windows or macOS). Install Android emulator by following the on-screen instructions.

Set up Android Emulator:

Launch Android emulator and complete the initial setup, including signing in with your Google account.

Install Khan Academy Kids (BETA):

Inside Android emulator, open the Google Play Store (it's like the Android Play Store) and search for "Khan Academy Kids (BETA)."Click on the Khan Academy Kids (BETA) app, and then click the "Install" button to download and install Khan Academy Kids (BETA).

You can also download the APK from this page and install Khan Academy Kids (BETA) without Google Play Store.

Run Khan Academy Kids (BETA) on PC

Use Khan Academy Kids (BETA) on PC:

You can now use Khan Academy Kids (BETA) on your PC within the Anroid emulator. Keep in mind that it will look and feel like the mobile app, so you'll navigate using a mouse and keyboard.

Download Khan Academy Kids (BETA)
