
BY VIEWCAST    UPDATED February 16, 2024

Canon Camera Connect for PC

Canon Camera Connect for PC

Use images from your Canon camera via Wi-Fi

Are you tired of the hassle of removing your memory card to transfer images from your Canon camera? Look no further than Canon Camera Connect, the app that revolutionizes the way you manage and share your photos. With its seamless connectivity and user-friendly interface, this app is a must-have for every photography enthusiast.


About Canon Camera Connect For PC

Canon Camera Connect: The Ultimate Photography Companion

Instant Editing and Sharing

One of the standout features of Canon Camera Connect is its ability to instantly edit and send pictures directly from your camera. Gone are the days of transferring images to a computer before editing or sharing them. With just a few taps on your smartphone, you can enhance your photos and send them to someone on the spot. This convenience not only saves you time but also adds a touch of professionalism to your work.

Effortless Image Transfer

Say goodbye to the tedious process of removing your memory card in the field. Canon Camera Connect allows you to transfer photos wirelessly, eliminating the need for physical connections. Whether you're out in nature or shooting on location, this app ensures that you can easily and quickly transfer your images without any hassle. It's a game-changer for photographers who value efficiency and convenience.

Canon Camera Connect for PC screenshot

Unlock Cool Features

Canon Camera Connect goes beyond basic photo transfer and editing. It also unlocks a range of cool features that enhance your photography experience. While some users wish for additional options like using the volume button to take pictures, the app still offers a seamless and intuitive way to capture stunning shots. With regular updates, Canon Camera Connect continues to evolve and provide new features that cater to the needs of photographers.

Simple and User-Friendly

One of the greatest strengths of Canon Camera Connect is its simplicity. The app is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to photographers of all skill levels. Even if you're new to photography or technology, you'll find it easy to navigate and use. Its stability and reliability make it a trustworthy companion for any Canon DSLR user.


1. Can Canon Camera Connect transfer videos?

Unfortunately, Canon Camera Connect currently does not support video transfers. However, it excels in transferring photos seamlessly.

2. Is Canon Camera Connect compatible with all Canon cameras?

Canon Camera Connect is compatible with a wide range of Canon cameras, including DSLRs. However, it's always best to check the app's compatibility with your specific camera model.

3. Can I remotely control my Canon DSLR using Canon Camera Connect?

Yes, Canon Camera Connect allows you to remotely control your Canon DSLR, providing you with the flexibility to capture shots from various angles and distances.

4. Does Canon Camera Connect support RAW files?

Canon Camera Connect supports RAW files, but some users have reported the need for an update to download and view the latest RAW formats. It's recommended to check for updates regularly to ensure compatibility.

In conclusion, Canon Camera Connect is a game-changing app for Canon camera users. Its seamless image transfer, instant editing, and user-friendly interface make it a must-have tool for photographers. While there may be room for improvement, the app's stability and usefulness outweigh any minor drawbacks. Say goodbye to the hassle of physical connections and embrace the convenience of wireless photo management with Canon Camera Connect.

How to Install Canon Camera Connect for PC

How to Install Canon Camera Connect on PC

Canon Camera Connect is primarily a mobile app designed for smartphones. However, you can run Canon Camera Connect on your computer using an Android emulator. An Android emulator allows you to run Android apps on your PC. Here's how to install Canon Camera Connect on your PC using Android emuator:

Download Android Emulator:

Visit any Android emulator website. Download the latest version of Android emulator compatible with your operating system (Windows or macOS). Install Android emulator by following the on-screen instructions.

Set up Android Emulator:

Launch Android emulator and complete the initial setup, including signing in with your Google account.

Install Canon Camera Connect:

Inside Android emulator, open the Google Play Store (it's like the Android Play Store) and search for "Canon Camera Connect."Click on the Canon Camera Connect app, and then click the "Install" button to download and install Canon Camera Connect.

You can also download the APK from this page and install Canon Camera Connect without Google Play Store.

Run Canon Camera Connect on PC

Use Canon Camera Connect on PC:

You can now use Canon Camera Connect on your PC within the Anroid emulator. Keep in mind that it will look and feel like the mobile app, so you'll navigate using a mouse and keyboard.

Download Canon Camera Connect
